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加拿大环球华语电视台的英文名称是Canada Global Chinese Television, 缩写为CGCTV。官方网站 加拿大环球华语电视台总部位于加拿大第一大华人聚居城市多伦多,以国语和英语二种语言播出,节目内容追求多元化、趣味化和实用化,并通过有线电视网络、高速有线互联网以及高速无线互联网(3G/LTE)传送信号,观众可以很方便地利用高清电视机顶盒、电脑、SMART TV、各种移动通讯设备快速便捷地收看电视节目,电视播出数据流覆盖全球,每天24小时循环播出。环球华语电视台不仅拥有加拿大视讯管理委员会颁发的广播电视营业执照,而且拥有电播频道播出(Broadcast Distribution Undertaking)的执照,也是北美首家以主流通讯与网络科技公司为依托的中文电视台。环球华语电视台自开始就以新媒体的形式走入人们的视野,通过三网(电视、电话、因特网)合一的高新技术手段融入人们的生活。加拿大环球华语电视台以宣传并促进加中两国的经济、科技、文化、教育、旅游和艺术交流为己任,传播华夏文明、服务海外华人,让西方社会更好地了解中国、接纳中国,使中华文明在世界这个大舞台上展示辉煌。环球华语电视台所有的栏目全是高清晰度节目,主要栏目有《每周新闻周刊》、《热点话题》、《移民留学》、《天天看房》、《走北美》等自制栏目,此外,环球华语与CCTV、亚洲卫视、宏观电视、未来电视、新华电视网以及中国24家大城市电视联盟体合作,使外来的节目更加丰富多彩,使自制的节目走出北美。自播出以来,深受到广大观众的喜爱。电视台牌的照号码:CRTC 2011-315

The main task of CGCTV is to promote China’s image and disseminate Chinese civilization . It is not just the window of Chinese culture and Chinese products to the world, but also the friendly communication platform of culture exchange between China and rest of the world. Our television programs are diversified with audience covering whole North America. This station is producing and broadcasting in Mandarin content programs. It is the only television station self applied and approved by the Canadian Telecommunications(CRTC) with Mandarin Television licenses. It has achieved triple network in one. This television is headquartered in Toronto, Canada, with relay stations in Shandong, China and top level data centers in Chicago and Denver in U.S.A.. Whether using the Internet, mobile communication devices, or HDTV setup box, audience can quickly and easily watch the programs.